MK Week C2 – Lift Off

There is light!

konstantina 2After just over two years of focused effort and determination, I have finally reached the point of lift off! There is light at the end of the tunnel! As life rollercoasters go, this next couple of weeks are going to be the biggest I’ve ever been on. I thought overcoming technology challenges and the fear of being on camera was scary! Now I am set to do a live webinar Q&A as I roll ever faster towards my goal to help people all over the world reignite their creative imagination. With the launch of my online course only a couple of weeks away it’s all systems go both here in the UK and in Kauai, where the amazing MasterKey Team are preparing things their end. There are just not enough words to thank Davene Januszewski and Dayna Marie Merry for all the support and help they are giving. As for my mastermind partner Konstantina Bourmou, well none of this would be happening at all without her amazing support and encouragement over the last three years. A true friend and confidante, she’s been amazing.

sillhouette-1208271_1280‘The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success. There are three steps, and each is absolutely essential. You must first have the knowledge of your my power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.’ (Haanel 12:4)

‘With this as a basis you can construct an ideal business, an ideal home, ideal friends, and an ideal environment. You are I am not restricted as to material or cost. Thought is omnipresent and has the power to draw on the Infinite bank of primary substance for all that it requires. Infinite resources are therefore at your my command.’ (Haanel 12:5)

‘But your my ideal must be sharp, clear-cut, definite; to have one ideal today, another tomorrow, and a third next week, means to scatter your my forces and accomplish nothing; your my result will be a meaningless and chaotic combination of wasted material.’ (Haanel 12:6)

There is light
There is light

I took all that I have learnt through the MasterKey Experience course and trusted in the teaching and my own heart, never deviating from my passion and determination for just over two years. I know what I want and I have trusted the means necessary will show up when needed. And they have! I have had to make some calculated risks regarding time and money, and today I sit at the threshold of a new life, an ideal business, surrounded by ideal friends, and I know in my heart that my ideal home is just waiting for me to arrive. What more could a girl want. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey over the last few years, no matter how big or small, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. If you want to see what I have been up to then watch the short 1 minute video below and register your interest at