Tag: Creative

One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

If someone had told me 10 years ago what my life would look like in 2019 I would not have believed them in a million years. Yet I can look back today with the benefit of hindsight and see how one step at a time 

Are you looking Inside or Outside?

Are you looking Inside or Outside?

The following is a very small excerpt from a set of new courses around Creative Self Awareness available in the Spring 2018. This extract is from ‘Spiritual Health.’  I love studying metaphysical concepts, and something that really struck home with me recently was that I can 

Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

Focused or Unfocused I started my own ‘focused’ personal development journey around 2012/13. I say ‘focused‘ because we are all on a personal development journey every moment of every day, we’re just not always aware of it. Many go through life on autopilot, thinking life