Week C10 – We have lift off!

Wow! Wow! Wow! 

wowWhat can I say about this last week except Wow! The last 3 weeks have been exciting, busy and focused as I was getting ready for a dual business launch on Tuesday evening. A final prep meeting on Tuesday morning with Phyl and then it was all systems go……and WE DID IT!!!!!!

Some might have expected our topic of Loss and Grief Recovery to be quite depressing, but they would have been wrong! The evening was creative, fun, inspiring, thought provoking and touched the hearts of everyone who attended. And guess what!? I overcame my fear of public speaking! In fact I discovered I had a confidence deep within myself that I have never had before. Earlier in the week I tried writing out a talk but it didn’t feel right so I decided to draw a mind map of the areas I wanted to cover and let the words flow in the moment. I felt if I forget something then it clearly wasn’t necessary, and to trust my Self to say the things people needed to hear.

“Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the consciousness; playing the piano, skating, operating the typewriter, the skilled trades, depend for their perfect execution on the process of the sub-conscious mind. The marvel of playing a brilliant piece on the piano. while at the same time conducting a vigorous conversation, shows the greatness of our subconscious powers.” (Haanel 2:5)

falling of the planetWednesday and Thursday were a time for a little bit of a breather, and now I can gather my thoughts and keep moving in the direction of my dreams. If I have learnt anything this last couple of years it is that mental focus and inspired action achieve far quicker and better results than toil and efforting to the point of exhaustion. Two more Press Releases have gone out this week too which I wasn’t expecting. I am so grateful and appreciative of all the support and help from others, and I trust as I remain focused on my goals and desires and stay happy doing the things I love, the people and circumstances needed to open the next door on my path will come to me through the natural laws of the Universe. I never worry about the Law of Gravity not working and falling off the planet! So why should belief in other natural laws be any different!?

“Visualize the events, circumstances and conditions which these spiritual connections may assist in manifesting. Realize that fact that the essence and soul of all things is spiritual and that the spiritual is the real, because it is the life of all there is; when the spirit is gone, the life is gone; it is dead; it has ceased to exist.” (Haanel 4:23)

2-6-15sFocus on how you can help others with a genuine heart. Be willing to do what your feelings guide you to do and let the future you desire unfold perfectly like a blossoming flower before you. For the last couple of years I have heard and read about there being a ‘tipping point’ and how things suddenly seem to align and then there is no stopping it. After months and months of focused thought, learning, perseverance and determination I can say I have now witnessed this for myself. The people and circumstances you are looking for are also looking for you. And when you allow them to flow into your life miracles begin to happen. Cheers!!! 🙂 

“The more we give the more we shall get; we must become a channel whereby the Universal can express activity. The Universal is constantly seeking to express itself, to be of service, and it seeks the channel whereby it can find the greatest activity, where it can do the most good, where it can be of greatest service to mankind.” (Haanel 4:21)

I have come to understand that the only thing that I have control of is my own thoughts and happiness. When I get rid of the weeds in my own mental garden I allow the seeds I planted to bloom. Trust your inner feelings. They are more powerful than you know.

The Masterkey Experience was where I started. If you want to find out more about this life changing course sign up for early bird notification for the 2015 class in 3 months time.

MasterKey Experience coming soon……

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