Week C13 – 4 Little Wishes!
What do U want?
“The architect visualizes his building, he sees it as he wishes it to be. His thought becomes a plastic mold from which the building will eventually emerge, a high one or a low one, a beautiful one or a plain one, his vision takes form on paper and eventually the necessary material is utilised and the building stands complete.” (Haanel 7:9)
Almost 3 years ago I started my personal journey to discover what I want to do with my life. Seems a bit sad that I waited until I was in my 50th year before embarking on this amazing journey, but hey ho, better late than never! I began the MasterKey Course (MKMMA) at the end of September 2013 with possibly a little feeling of ‘quiet desperation’, but also one of hope, inner conviction and a deep sense that it would change my life. I had no idea how or what would happen over the following 6 months or more. Putting pen to paper and defining what I wanted felt clumsy and dare I say even a little self centred! Why was I afraid to dream big? Why couldn’t I have the things I wanted? Is there a big book somewhere that says who can and who can’t? I had experienced enough of Mark J’s training to know that he was someone with integrity, knowledge and experience. It was time to ‘woman up’ 🙂 put on my ‘big girl pants’, roll up my sleeves and give this all I had. What did I have to lose?…………..
As I learnt to focus my thoughts and imagination on ‘my building’ (my life), things began to get clearer as I allowed myself to dream again. I set four main goals that I wanted to achieve over the next few years. When I wrote these goals I can honestly say that my belief in them actually happening was pretty small. It would be wonderful if they could happen but I wasn’t convinced.
1. To take my ‘adult’ children on our first ever family holiday to Kaui. 2. To have my own creative business and really help others reconnect and reignite their imagination. 3. To earn £X amount per month/year that would allow me to do the things I enjoy and also help others. 4. To buy my own beautiful home with a log cabin creative studio where I can teach and create art and music.
I found this fabulous response from Sir Edmund Hillary when asked about his expectations of climbing Mount Everest which sums it up beautifully……….. (click the link to read the whole article)
Was there any point when you felt that you might not make it and might have to give up?
Sir Edmund Hillary: Never, at any stage, until we actually got up the rock step, was I confident that we were going to be successful. My feeling was that we would give it everything we had, but we had no surety that we were going to reach the top. In fact, I believe that if someone starts out on a challenging activity, completely confident that they’re going to succeed, why bother starting? It’s not much of a challenge. I think it’s much better to start out on something that you’re not at all sure that you can do. If you overcome and you manage to defeat the obstacles, the satisfaction is so much greater.
It is now the end of June 2015. I took my ‘adult’ children on our first ever family holiday to Kaui in 2014, and I left the security of a reasonably stable income and set sail towards unchartered water to start my own creative business. Was I crazy?…..maybe…….Was brave? …….maybe….. Was I stupid?…….No……..Was I sure?………Yes…….. It was one of those ‘now or never’ times in my life.
Today the roots of my new business are firmly planted, and it’s truly amazing hearing clients openly sharing with others how much they have enjoyed and learnt from my course. I took the opportunity to become an MKMMA Guide last year and this year have the absolute honour of becoming a ‘Master Guide’, helping and mentoring some of this years new Guides. I now help run a local women’s networking group with a wonderful, inspirational friend, have another fantastic business colleague to share and bounce ideas with, and through it all I have got to know the most beautiful friend and Mastermind Partner Konstantina Bourmou from Athens, who has held the ropes when I began to fall and encouraged me when I was climbing. Only income level and house to go! 🙂 Onward and Upward.
“Clearness and accuracy are obtained only by repeatedly having the image in mind. Each repeated action renders the image more clear and accurate than the preceding, and in proportion to the clearness and accuracy of the image will the outward manifestation be. You must build it firmly and securely in your mental world, the world within, before it can take form in the world without, and you can build nothing of value, even in the mental world unless you have the proper material. When you have the material you can build anything you wish, but make sure of your material. You cannot make broadcloth from shoddy.” (Haanel 7:13)
Your heart whispers to you each and every day. Take the time to listen. Follow your heart. If you are meant to be in MKMMA 2015 class you will know! How? Because your heart will tell you. If you can feel that fluttering in your chest right now, follow the prompt, and sign up today to receive information at the beginning of September. What have you got to lose? Really????
Would I change a thing? Do I have any regrets? ……….NO, absolutely not.
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