C21 When a Hero Comes Along
Cast your fears aside…
This week saw the final webinar for those who followed the Continuation MasterKeys class 2013, and as everyone is now gearing up for the beginning of the next class, I am honoured to have been accepted as one of the Certified Guides for 2014. Since completing the initial 26 weeks I have continued to pursue a deeper understanding of how our brain and heart shape our lives.
When our thoughts combine with our emotions, they create a feeling which we usually sense somewhere around the Heart or Solar Plexus. Hence why we say things like ‘I love you with all my heart’ rather than ‘I love you with all my gallbladder’ lol 🙂 ….Seriously though, I have come to understand how our conscious and subconscious minds work, and how our feelings guide us as to whether we are in alignment with our true desires or not. If you are anything like me, you have probably done or said things and immediately felt either pleasure and joy or regret and sadness. Aren’t these powerful feelings trying to tell you something? If they weren’t then there would be little point in having feelings! So why are we afraid to acknowledge our feelings at times? Is it because we don’t want to face the truth of who we really are? Unacknowledged negative feelings can become lodged, causing us to over react to things. We often refer to it as someone ‘pressing your buttons!!!‘ We can end up just accepting circumstances as they are and feeling frustrated with ourselves, but not really understanding how we keep getting the same sort of experiences. We even subconsciously ‘press our own buttons’ and get in our own way. Is it time you took control of your own life?
The last 12 months have taught me that the way we think can be changed. That negative feelings are not something to be afraid of, but rather wonderful indicators to let us know whether we are heading in the direction or not. The teachings of Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and Charles Haanel (The Master Key System) are life changing books, but can also be a little confusing to understand at times.
Mark Januszewski’s passion and skill in combining these teachings with a step by step program that allows anyone to tap into this life changing material and take their own Hero’s Journey, is pure genius. “People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” (The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho) I can say hand on heart that taking this course has opened up a whole new world to me, and I am following my dream, where ever it takes me.
I want to publicly thank my fabulous Mastermind partner Konstantina Bourmou for her unceasing support and encouragement throughout the last 12 months. Although we have never actually met in person, (as she lives in Greece and I live in the Uk), we have shared each others journey through thick and thin. Her gracious, generous support has been invaluable and she is a person for whom I hold the highest regard; A True Hero.
My deepest gratitude go to Mark Januszewski, Davene Grant Januszewski, Trish Abeloff, Dayna Merry and Heather Plude for their tireless effort, teaching and encouragement. And last but not least, my determined band of Courageous Divas, Konstantina Bourmou, Susan Frey Bryant, Alice Eubank, Nancy Mills and Geni Witt who have all been on their own personal Hero’s Journeys.
So many are living lives of quiet desperation, or living vicariously through other people they consider heros, whether they are real or make believe characters in films and books, but the ONLY HERO you will ever need is the one inside YOU. And when you discover him or her you will never see life the same again.
There’s still time to be your own HERO. Information about the 2014 class coming very soon. Fill in your contact details here to ensure you don’t miss out.