Live, Laugh, Love

What makes your heart sing?

In the last few days several people have expressed either to me or a friend how they are so busy doing things for other people, albeit family or friends, that they don’t have the time to do anything for themselves. It is so important that we make the time to be kind to ourselves, and do something we enjoy, that makes us feel happy. But I don’t have the time!!!!!!

cabincrewIf you’ve ever travelled abroad on an aeroplane, the cabin crew always demonstrate what to do in an emergency; where your nearest exits are, where your life jacket and oxygen masks are and what to do should the unthinkable arise. Have you noticed that they always instruct you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, even if you have children? Why do they do this? Wouldn’t any parents first reaction be to save their children first?! The reason for these instructions are because you are no help to anyone is you pass out, and actually you just add to the problems of someone else. For the few seconds or minutes it takes to ensure you can breath properly, you can help a lot more people including yourself.

emptyfuelJust as a car does not run properly on an empty fuel tank, neither do we function properly or feel happy if we do not take time to recharge our batteries. Not just eating, but in all aspects of our humanity. When was the last time you did something just for you? When was the last time you felt really happy just because? As adults and parents we can often suppress our own desires for the sake of our families. Working to provide the money to live, being a taxi service to our kids so they can enjoy themselves, helping out friends who are in need, or elderly parents who require that little bit more care now. We can often play the martyr without even realising it until our own emotional and physical health starts to deteriorate.

you arre specialIf you are feeling anxious, under pressure, overwhelmed, stressed or even a little depressed then heed the warning signs and make some time for yourself to relax. Ask for help and learn to say no to people. We teach people how to treat us, and if you give and give and give without taking the time to refuel, your body will let you know sooner or later, and then it can take a serious effort to get back on track. A few hours a week to recharge are much kinder to your family than weeks in a sick bed, and they will learn to respect you are a human being with needs too. It is not selfish to look after yourself.

live_laugh_love_quote_wall_sticker_decal_2Doing something creative, whether it is art, music or dance, or getting out in nature and walking in the countryside, playing golf or even dusting off your bicycle and going for a ride on your own for an hour, it is important that you value yourself, otherwise you become part of the problem for someone else. Think about what makes your heart sing, and DO IT.  🙂

Do something your future self will thank you for <3