Tag: emotional healing

Blame can drive you insane

Blame drives you Insane We all experience times when we feel hard done to, wronged or even down right mistreated. You think about the people or circumstances that you believe caused your pain, and suddenly, thought after thought, images begin floating through your mind…………. Questions! Oh 

Death by Duvet

ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SLEEP! Many men spend their time doing everything possible to avoid accepting what is really going on for them physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ve been conditioned to believe admitting we’re lost and struggling is a sign of failure. ‘Keep 

How to get more of what you want in 2019.

How to get more of what you want in 2019.

Creative thinking is vital to achieving your potential and seeing the possibilities that are around you all the time. But we have to prepare our brain to see new patterns and ideas. As natural creatures of habit, this applies to our thinking habits as well 

Follow your own rainbow

Follow your own rainbow

Where is the Golden Nugget? Over the last few weeks thoughts about business and money have been going around and around in my mind. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of posts popping up on social media news feeds every day offering us the 

Ready to stop living vicariously?

Ready to stop living vicariously?

  Ready to stop living vicariously? We love stories about people who have survived trials and testing to emerge the hero of his or her own life. It’s called living vicariously! We experience in our imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. It’s great 

How much damage can a grain of sand create?

How much damage can a grain of sand create?

How much damage can a grain of sand create? The damage a grain of sand can create depends on where it is. A grain of sand in your shoe may go completely unnoticed, but if you get a grain of sand in your eye you’ll soon know 

Life is a Creative Journey. What are you Creating?

Life is a Creative Journey. What are you Creating?

Life is a Creative Journey When we are in the flow of positive energy we move up the spiral of life and everything feels easy, effortless and exhilarating. However, we thrive on challenge and accomplishment. How could we know what accomplishment feels like if we never feel the