One Step at a Time
If someone had told me 10 years ago what my life would look like in 2019 I would not have believed them in a million years. Yet I can look back today with the benefit of hindsight and see how one step at a time …
Creativity is the Key
If someone had told me 10 years ago what my life would look like in 2019 I would not have believed them in a million years. Yet I can look back today with the benefit of hindsight and see how one step at a time …
How much damage can a grain of sand create? The damage a grain of sand can create depends on where it is. A grain of sand in your shoe may go completely unnoticed, but if you get a grain of sand in your eye you’ll soon know …
Created in his Image I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, ‘God created man in his own image.’ But have you ever stopped to think about what this actually means? My last couple of weeks have been emotional, uplifting and amazing. On Tuesday I went to see a …
Feel like you’re wearing an Invisibility Cloak? Are your habitual thoughts creating an invisibility cloak? In his book ‘Infinite Possibilities’, Mike Dooley says our thinking habits can become routine just like physical habits. When I start to feel frustrated or stuck it is usually because my old, comfort zone, habitual thinking …
See to Believe or Believe to See? Which are you? Do you need to see before you believe, or can you believe before seeing? I love reading and listening to metaphysical teachings, understanding the processes of the brain, our thoughts, the heart and our feelings. There is …