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How to be 50 something and feel happy

It’s never too late to be happy. You are amazing! How happy are you? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you do the things you do, and whether those things are making you feel good, and truly happy? For many years it never 

MK Week C5 – Monumental problems?

Successfully overcome fuzzy focus Does fuzzy focus cause monumental problems or do monumental problems cause fuzzy focus? Hmmmmm!!! I wonder! This last week has definitely been one of monumental problems for me technically. Being still somewhat of a newbie to the world of computer technology, 

MK Week C4 – Thinking Bigger Goals!!!

Are you thinking too small? Have you ever considered the concept that failure to achieve a goal could be because your goal is too small? In other words you may need to start THINKING BIGGER GOALS? When you align yourself with bigger goals you forget the irritations of the smaller 

Reignite your Imagination. Discover your Potential.

Your imagination unlocks the door to your dreams. Many people would love to change or improve some area of their life, but don’t know how or where to start. Some people, keeping an open mind, have discovered how reigniting their creative imagination has enabled them to reconnect 

MK Week C3 – Success in Life

Success in Life is being True to Yourself I am surmising by the boom in numbers of people following the MasterKey Course, and other Self Development books and courses, that most people want to feel their life has meaning; that accomplishment and achievement are pretty important endeavours in life. Our continuous, unending 

Gifted Life Online Course

COMING SOON!! The long awaited online version of the Gifted Life – Self Realization Course is ready for launch in two weeks. It has been a mammoth task, and steep learning curve, over the last 12 months with planning, videoing, editing, typing, audio recording, learning how 

MK Week C2 – Lift Off

There is light! After just over two years of focused effort and determination, I have finally reached the point of lift off! There is light at the end of the tunnel! As life rollercoasters go, this next couple of weeks are going to be the 

MK Week C1- Happy Is as Happy Does

A New Challenge I decided to join a ’30 Day Facebook Challenge’ to help me improve the way I interact and provide helpful, engaging content on my business pages. My friend Diane Cossie is an expert in this field and even after two days I have learnt 

MK Week 24 – I am here

That’s Where I am This week has been one of hard work, more techno challenges and great friends and family, so my blog is a little late this week. But it’s all good. Everything is just as it should be. Staying focused on the direction 

MK Week 23 – To let go or not let go?

Free Yourself ‘A generous thought is filled with strength and vitality, a selfish thought contains the germs of dissolution; it will disintegrate and pass away. Great financiers are simply channels for the distribution of wealth; enormous amounts come and go, but it would be as