Tag: mental wellbeing

Other People’s Onions

Other people’s opinions become our onionsAs we grow we learn what we’re supposed to do, should do, shouldn’t do, can’t do, can do, must do and mustn’t do, in order to satisfy other people!!! We begin to live according to other people’s opinions (oPInions). Or, 

Right is Might

Right is Might The Left Brain Hemisphere is where we logically analyse, compare and draw on previous experience to help us problem solve. Our education system is predominantly focused on Left brain learning with Maths, English and Science seen as the defining criteria for assessing 

Blame can drive you insane

Blame drives you Insane We all experience times when we feel hard done to, wronged or even down right mistreated. You think about the people or circumstances that you believe caused your pain, and suddenly, thought after thought, images begin floating through your mind…………. Questions! Oh 

Obsession or Opportunity?

ready to change? If there is one thing in life I simply do not understand it is the obsession with posting Selfies! A few months ago (before COVID – remember those days!?) I was travelling on the train to London and witnessed two young people, probably 

See to Believe or Believe to See?

See to Believe or Believe to See?

See to Believe or Believe to See? Which are you? Do you need to see before you believe, or can you believe before seeing? I love reading and listening to metaphysical teachings, understanding the processes of the brain, our thoughts, the heart and our feelings. There is 

Life is a Creative Journey. What are you Creating?

Life is a Creative Journey. What are you Creating?

Life is a Creative Journey When we are in the flow of positive energy we move up the spiral of life and everything feels easy, effortless and exhilarating. However, we thrive on challenge and accomplishment. How could we know what accomplishment feels like if we never feel the