Tag: personal development

One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

If someone had told me 10 years ago what my life would look like in 2019 I would not have believed them in a million years. Yet I can look back today with the benefit of hindsight and see how one step at a time 

Pretend or Pre-Tend?

Pretend or Pre-Tend?

Pretend or Pre-Tend? Pretending is something most of us can relate to from childhood. Young children pretend play alone and with friends. It is fun to pretend you are a super hero, a cowboy riding a broomstick horse or a princess in beautiful clothing and 

Are you addicted to Procrastination?

Are you addicted to Procrastination?

Is procrastination stopping you achieving your dreams? Could you be addicted to it? Do you really want to change career, start your own business, make new friends, move house, declutter and redecorate or find romance……….. but its just not happening? Can you talk the talk 

Why is Creative Art so Beneficial?

Why is Creative Art so Beneficial?

Why is Creative Art so Beneficial? The inspiration to combine Creative Art and Personal Development came to me about five years ago. I have always been a ‘creative person’ in the sense that I love art, craft and music. Yet being creative is not about 

Are you looking Inside or Outside?

Are you looking Inside or Outside?

The following is a very small excerpt from a set of new courses around Creative Self Awareness available in the Spring 2018. This extract is from ‘Spiritual Health.’  I love studying metaphysical concepts, and something that really struck home with me recently was that I can 

Follow your own rainbow

Follow your own rainbow

Where is the Golden Nugget? Over the last few weeks thoughts about business and money have been going around and around in my mind. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of posts popping up on social media news feeds every day offering us the 

Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

Focused or Unfocused I started my own ‘focused’ personal development journey around 2012/13. I say ‘focused‘ because we are all on a personal development journey every moment of every day, we’re just not always aware of it. Many go through life on autopilot, thinking life 

Are Selfie’s damaging our health?

Are Selfie’s damaging our health?

Are Selfie’s damaging our health? The current craze of posting Selfie’s to Social Media intrigues me. Even though I can appreciate the fun element, could there be a much deeper, underlying seriousness that is being overlooked. As human’s our ‘inner self’ wants to feel emotional