Tag: divorce

Other People’s Onions

Other people’s opinions become our onionsAs we grow we learn what we’re supposed to do, should do, shouldn’t do, can’t do, can do, must do and mustn’t do, in order to satisfy other people!!! We begin to live according to other people’s opinions (oPInions). Or, 

Right is Might

Right is Might The Left Brain Hemisphere is where we logically analyse, compare and draw on previous experience to help us problem solve. Our education system is predominantly focused on Left brain learning with Maths, English and Science seen as the defining criteria for assessing 

Death by Duvet

ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SLEEP! Many men spend their time doing everything possible to avoid accepting what is really going on for them physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ve been conditioned to believe admitting we’re lost and struggling is a sign of failure. ‘Keep 

Healing Hearts from the Start

Healing Hearts from the Start

You might be wondering if being a Grief Recovery Method Specialist is a somewhat morbid, depressing or miserable type of work. The truth is it is the exact opposite. For clients dealing with painful emotions there may or may not be tears and either is 

Beyond Words

Beyond Words

Emotional pain is a feeling deep within us that we often try to bury. Why? Have memories of being told ‘He/She just needs a few minutes alone’ embedded the belief that expressing negative emotion in public was not done in polite society? As discussed in 

Time does not heal

Time does not heal

When we’re upset and in emotional pain due to a loss event in our life, well-meaning friends, family or work colleagues may say things like, “Give it time.” “Time is a great healer.” ” Time changes everything.” These sort of statements, although well intended, actually 

Why Grief Recovery?

Why Grief Recovery?

Absolutely everyone has experienced loss in their life. Some of the more tangible losses are death, divorce, relationship breakdown, moving house, redundancy, loss of finances and addiction. Plus there are a host of intangible losses such as loss of childhood, loss of safety, loss of